Android vs Apple (Part 1)

By Elizabeth Waschak on

People are loyal to the death when it comes to Android vs. Apple (or really, anything not-Apple vs. Apple). So, for fun, we’re doing a two-article Android vs. Apple series.

However, my deathly loyalties are reserved for big significant things, like my husband, not ever-changing technologies like operating systems and handsets, so my contribution to this series has more of a “here’s why Android is super cool” flavor and less of a “Android is the very best and if you don’t use Android obviously you’re just following trends and we can’t be friends because freedom” flair.

Personally, I’ve used both Android on a Galaxy S3 and iOS on an iPhone 5S. (Yes, I know those are old phones. I spent my money on a trip to Japan and snowboarding instead, okay? At this point, holding on to my old phone as long as possible has become a personal challenge.) I think they have different strengths and the “right” operating system depends entirely on the person and what they want out of it.

That said, let’s take a moment and talk about why Android is awesome, starting with the biggest reason.


The opportunities are endless with Android. Literally endless, because you could theoretically code your own app that changes the home screen or boot a different operating system on your handset.

Launchers provide vast amounts of customizability to your entire Android experience, from appearance to organization. If you’re like me, and the default Android appearance is a little too cluttered and busy for your tastes, you can install a minimalist launcher that cleans things up and simplifies your home page. If you like variety, you can install themes and switch between them at will. If you depend on Google Now, there’s a Google Now Launcher.

Basically, there’s something for everyone, and if you don’t find exactly what you’re looking for, it’s entirely possible that someone will invent it soon.

Which leads us to another upside of Android: Apps. Because coding for Android is more accessible than coding for iOS, there are far more free apps. Even some apps that cost on iOS are free on Android. This has a downside, as premium apps often hit iOS first, but if you’re willing to wait for certain things and otherwise enjoy the large selection of free options, Android apps are for you.

Speaking of a large selection, Android offers a lot of hardware options.

Unlike iPhones, where hardware and software are made together, ship together, and are exclusive to Apple, Android software is developed at Google and put on many different phones. If you want the Android platform, you should be able to find a solid handset that matches your price point and feature preferences.

While Samsung dominates the scene with its flagship Galaxy S-series and Note series, there are a lot of popular and powerful phones out there, sometimes for as little as half the price. Options include expandable storage, modular designs, and various cameras. If I were to buy a phone right now, based on pricing, features, and reviews, I’d probably go for the OnePlus 3, despite the fact we don’t make a case for it. (Shhhh.)

The long and short of it is if you like options, Android is hands-down the way to go. You can pick, choose, and customize until your phone suits you perfectly.


Image credit: Aidan Wojtas



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